Smithells®NZ is a trading name of First Careers (New Zealand) Limited.
The information and questionnaires on the Smithells®NZ website, and the emailed summaries of questionnaire data are provided by First Careers (New Zealand) Limited for guidance. They are not intended as a substitute for face-to-face career counselling, planning and advice. Such career counselling and planning may vary from person to person, depending on the factors that make each person and each situation unique.
First Careers (New Zealand) Ltd and Smithells®NZ accept no liability or responsibility for the accuracy and /or reliability of (1) the analysis, interpretation and integration of summary data or information provided in any face-to-face interview or telephone call or by any VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) such as Skype or FaceTime by any Approved Smithells® Professional or any other careers or helping professional or advisor; (2) the accuracy of career directions or paths or occupations generated by any Approved Smithells® Professional or any other careers or helping professional or advisor and (3) the accuracy and/or reliability of career plans developed and/or career information provided on occupations, on secondary school subjects, on New Zealand and overseas tertiary providers, programmes, subjects, papers, qualifications, entry criteria and the like, by any Approved Smithells® Professional or any other careers or helping professional or advisor, whether in person, or via email or telephone, or by any VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) such as Skype or FaceTime, to clients, or to their parents, families, sponsors or partners, before, during or after completion of the Full or Update Questionnaires online.
The Smithells® Career Planning System is a complete and integrated career counselling and planning system. First Careers (New Zealand) Limited and Smithells®NZ accept no liability or responsibility for any changes, additions, modifications or omissions made by any Approved Smithells® Professional or any other careers or helping professional or advisor, in the use or interpretation of the Smithells® Career Planning System with 15-30 year old clients, or with their parents, families, sponsors or partners. In particular, First Careers (New Zealand) Limited and Smithells®NZ do not sanction the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), in any of its forms, variations or derivatives, or any other measures of personality type, as part of, or in conjunction with, or as an adjunct or extra measure in association with the evidence-based and uniqueness-based Smithells® Career Planning System.
Any information provided by Approved Smithells® Professionals on secondary and tertiary institutions in New Zealand or overseas, on qualifications, programmes, subjects, entry criteria and the like, and on jobs/occupations and the labour market, is supplied in good faith. Smithells®NZ recommends you check this information with the provider/organization concerned, for any recent changes or updates.
The information and questionnaires on the Smithells®NZ website, and the summaries of questionnaire data emailed to clients, are provided "as is" and "as available" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that the website, or the server that makes the website available, are free of viruses or other harmful elements, or that the information and questionnaires on this website, and the summaries of questionnaire data emailed to clients are correct, accurate, sufficient, reliable or otherwise. First Careers (New Zealand) Limited will not be liable for reliance on any such information, nor will First Careers (New Zealand) Limited be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect or punitive damages that result from the use and interpretation of, or the inability to use and interpret, or the inaccurate interpretation of the information and questionnaires available on this website, and available in the emailed summaries of questionnaire data.
First Careers will not be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect or punitive damages that result from telephone calls or the use of any VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) such as Skype or FaceTime to use and interpret, accurately, incompletely or inaccurately, the personal and vocational information and questionnaires available on this website, and available in the emailed summaries of questionnaire data, by any Approved Smithells® Professional or any other careers or helping professional or advisor.
Where there are links to third party websites, which are not under the control of First Careers (New Zealand) Limited or Smithells®NZ, these links are provided as a convenience. First Careers (New Zealand) Limited and Smithells®NZ do not necessarily endorse those websites, and accepts no responsibility for the content or the accuracy of the content on those linked websites.
Any and all of the trademarks, trade names, copyrights and other intellectual property rights used or embodied in, or in connection with this website, including the information and questionnaires on this website, and the software used to generate the emailed summaries of questionnaire data, are for the express use of First Careers (New Zealand) Limited and Smithells®NZ, and are granted under license by the Bornholm Trust.
Updated as at 11 June 2019