Juliana Smithells
BSc, BSocSc, DipBusSt, GradCertAdultCareerDev
Approved Smithells® Professional
Juliana Smithells is a career professional with graduate training in career development and well over twenty years' experience in the field of career planning. She works from an office in Hamilton, NZ. She has extensive experience in the careers field in New Zealand working with secondary and tertiary students and young and mature adults in the workforce.
In addition to her career-specific qualification, Juliana holds qualifications in areas as diverse as chemistry, computer science, education and business management.
Juliana was a professional member of CDANZ, the Career Development Association of NZ for 17+ years. She has served CDANZ at national level.
Juliana has a life-long love of handcrafts and photography. She enjoys botanizing & the environment, tramping and more recently long-distance trekking.
Juliana has worked in a range of fields, including engineering, agriculture, health and tertiary education. In 1998, together with her husband, Tim, she set up Smithells Careers to address a gap in independent career planning services for 15-30 year olds.
Juliana Smithells' appointment books are closed to brand new first-time clients. Existing clients / client families of Juliana's should continue to contact Juliana (at Smithells Careers) about appointments.
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